The Alaska Wildlife Alliance has filed a lawsuit against the Board of Game and the Department of Fish and Game because they culled 99 bears and 5 wolves to protect caribou without allegedly properly consulting experts and the public. The bears and wolves were hunted …
A recent study has come to the conclusion that the domestication of the wolf reduced the brain size of dogs which is understandable because domestic dogs nearly always have everything done for them. They don’t need to face the challenges that wolves have to face. …
Provided you have a licence granted by your local authority under the Dangerous Wild Animal Act 1976 it is legal to own a wolf in the UK. The list of dangerous animals to which the Act applies is found in The Dangerous Wild Animals Act …
A very shy maned wolf stops for a visit at a monastery in Brazil for a bite to eat provided by monks. Because of their super long legs, they walk more like giraffes than typical canines. Maned wolves pose no threat to humans. Impressive animal. …
Yuki is at the Shy Wolf Sanctuary in Florida. He is a massive triple wolf hybrid. His DNA is a mix of three different canine types: 3.9% German Shepherd, 8.6% Siberian Husky, and 87.5% Gray Wolf. He should be called ‘Tricolor’. On average North American …
Parc Alpha is an educational establishment offering visitors a rare opportunity to observe wolves in their natural habitat. It is situated in the south of France, in the Alps-Maritimes region which was hit in October by Storm Alex, which devastated the area causing human deaths. …
It’s fresh off the press, grey wolves are to be reintroduced into Colorado. It was a narrow vote in favour. They’ll be introduced into the southern Rockies where there’s plenty of habitat. It seems that people are becoming more sensitive to the environment, to nature …
I have written extensively about keeping a first filial wild cat hybrid as a pet which you can read by clicking on this link. There is a modern trend in keeping what I call first filial i.e. first-generation (F1) wild cat or wild dog hybrids …