The Conversation (a website) commissioned a study on Australia’s famous dingo and whether this feted animal was domesticated and became wild or has always been a wild dog and how the aboriginal people of Australia (Australia’s First Peoples) interacted with the it. The study is …
A recent study has come to the conclusion that the domestication of the wolf reduced the brain size of dogs which is understandable because domestic dogs nearly always have everything done for them. They don’t need to face the challenges that wolves have to face. …
A study conducted by lead scientist Dr. Christoph Völter and colleagues at the University of Vienna, came to the conclusion that dogs might have a “theory of mind”. The concept of “theory of mind” concerns the human capacity (and exceedingly rarely the capacity of animals) …
A recent study found that when humans transferred from being hunter-gatherers to farming their pet dogs’ diet changed from meat to plant-based foods. When grey wolves first became domesticated and became domestic dogs they would have been eating meat almost exclusively but with the advent …
A lot of work has been done on when the first wolf was domesticated to become a domestic dog. The scientists behind a recent study believe that they have come to a definitive conclusion as to when dog domestication started. They believe that they have …
No, horses were not domesticated before dogs. So when were they domesticated? I think that it is fair to say that you will still find disagreement among the experts. But even taking a conservative approach, the domestic dog came into existence around twice as long …
Humans have a split personality about the dog. All dogs from the scruffy mongrel on the streets of an African village to the most expensive, squeakyclean and fluffy toy dog in a palatial home in Los Angeles are descended from the wolf. They are all …