The Conversation (a website) commissioned a study on Australia’s famous dingo and whether this feted animal was domesticated and became wild or has always been a wild dog and how the aboriginal people of Australia (Australia’s First Peoples) interacted with the it. The study is …
NEWS AND VIEWS: If you thought that small dogs were a modern concept you will have to think again after archaeologists working near one of South Oxfordshire’s most iconic landmarks, the Whittenham Clumps, unearthed the bones of a small dog which they have decided would …
This is about the origin of the phrase ‘dog days’ because the origin informs us why we use the phrase. Dog days cover the hottest time of the year from July 3rd to August 11th. It originates in Roman times according to Dr Desmond Morris …
I am not going to add any words to this infographic except to say that the invention of stirrups is a debatable topic. You’ll see different theories but the theory promulgated in the infographic is suggested by Dr Desmond Morris in his book Horse Watching. …
The experts have told us that giant millipedes as long as a car weighing 50 kg roamed across Great Britain 326 million years ago, which at that time was at the equator. We are familiar with the modern-day millipede which are small insects. I am …
A lot of work has been done on when the first wolf was domesticated to become a domestic dog. The scientists behind a recent study believe that they have come to a definitive conclusion as to when dog domestication started. They believe that they have …
A Swiss artist, Henry Fuseli (7 February 1741 – 17 April 1825) is the person who introduced a female horse, a mare, into the description of a bad dream which is called a “nightmare”. We don’t know why Fuseli introduced this horse into his painting …
The best scientists in the world don’t know for sure when dogs were first domesticated (or where). I think the question is incorrectly formulated. It should be when were gray wolves first domesticated? But I’m being pedantic. The bigger issue is when and where it …