Scientists have revealed that dogs on a diet which reduced food intake by 25% noticeably increased their average lifespan and, in addition, the permanent diet delayed the onset of signs of chronic disease. The study strongly indicates that companion dogs should be on a 25% …
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There is a slightly shocking but an unsurprising story in the news media today which I am eager to report on because I am not a great fan of commercial foods either for dogs or cats particularly of the dry variety which is called “kibble”. …
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It seems to be settled that dogs should be fed at least two meals daily about 12 hours apart. Dr. Desmond Morris, the renowned zoologist and author, makes some interesting comments on this (Dog Watching). He says that most owners give their dogs two feeds …
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A recent study found that when humans transferred from being hunter-gatherers to farming their pet dogs’ diet changed from meat to plant-based foods. When grey wolves first became domesticated and became domestic dogs they would have been eating meat almost exclusively but with the advent …
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The connection stated in the title doesn’t apply to cat owners surprisingly. But the study which took place in Sweden tells us that if a pet dog has type II diabetes then it is more likely that the dog’s owner will develop type II diabetes …
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Dogs eat grass for roughage and vitamin B9 in following their wolf ancestors
Wolves don’t deliberately fast to improve their health so why should we fast dogs?
Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.