Hachiko – 100th Birthday Celebrations


In November 2023, admirers of the dog ‘Hachiko’ will celebrate the 100th year after his birth. Locals of his birthplace Odate, Akita Prefecture are organising Hachiko Week to mark a century since Hachiko was born in 1923. He died in 1933. He is regarded as …

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Dog demonstrates rational thought, commonsense, empathy and altruism in saving another dog from drowning

Dog demonstrates altruism, commonsense, rational thought and empathy in saving another dog from drowning

Sentience? Who questions that dogs are not sentient? Perhaps not many people but a lot of people don’t give it any thought or insufficient thought. A lot of people don’t know what the word means. And this little video reminds us that dogs are very …

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7 ways that dogs interpret different forms of human petting

Why do dogs like their chests scratched?

Here are 7 suggestions on how dogs interpret different types of petting by their human caregiver which gives them pleasure for reasons sometimes unknown to the caregiver. Scratching a male dog’s chest between the forelegs is pleasing to him because it feels like he is …

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Post Category: Dogs > dog training