Girls and boys are more active when there is a family dog compared to when there isn’t

Girls and boys are more active when there is a family dog compared to when there isn't

The Times reports on a study published online on the International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity website. The study title is: “Longitudinal effects of dog ownership, dog acquisition, and dog loss on children’s movement behaviours: findings from the PLAYCE cohort study.” That’s a …

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In America dogs fed 25% less lived longer and chronic diseases started later

A 25% reduction in food intake of companion dogs in America resulted in longer life spans and a delay in the onset of chronic diseases.

Scientists have revealed that dogs on a diet which reduced food intake by 25% noticeably increased their average lifespan and, in addition, the permanent diet delayed the onset of signs of chronic disease. The study strongly indicates that companion dogs should be on a 25% …

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Why people cry more for their dog than their husband or wife

Richard Coles

Richard Coles writing for The Sunday Times has made a very wise observation about the pain felt by the owner of a dog or cat on their passing. A lot of people realise that they cried more on the death of their dog or cat …

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Lost sailor, Tim Shaddock, says poignant goodbye to the dog who kept him sane but is he lying to himself?

OPINION: You have probably read about Tim Shaddock and his dog, Bella, who he adopted before going on an improbable voyage across the Pacific which went badly wrong leaving him stranded at sea for two months, lost, with his dog Bella who kept him sane. …

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Rescued sailor gives away his faithful dog Bella but he doesn’t have to

Tim Shaddock and Bella after his rescue

This is a well-reported story in the news media about an IT specialist, Tim Shaddock, who decided to try and sail from Mexico to French Polynesia in a catamaran with his dog; a journey that went horribly wrong 1,200 miles off the coast where he …

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Globalists are calling for people to have the right to marry animals. True or false?

True or false that globalists are calling for people to have the right to marry animals? It’s on Twitter. A tweet by CBKNEWS121 states that the World Economic Forum (WEF) says that it is time to legalise sex and marriage with animals “to promote inclusiveness”. …

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Picture of a boy praying with his dog lifts the spirit

Photo of a dog praying with a boy

In a sombre world where many things are happening which can make us anxious and despondent such as the pandemic and the Ukraine war, we need this kind of photograph to lift our spirits and remind ourselves that there is a lot of good stuff …

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At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.

Post Category: Humans > behaviour