I’ve just read an article in The Times newspaper. It is the kind of article which makes you completely review your personal thoughts and concepts about ants and indeed other insects. Yesterday I was sweeping my patio and while I was doing so, I swept …
This news could potentially challenge the practice of conducting animal experiments for human treatment research, a practice that many, including myself, find objectionable. Historically, the translation of animal experiment results to human treatments has been questionable, and with the advent of alternatives like AI modeling, …
Eco-activists – climate protesters – are intelligent and educated. They are more switched on to climate change than most. Boris Johnson once described Extinction Rebellion eco-activists as “crusties”. He was being unfair. A recent analysis has shown that they are well educated and they have …
In a fascinating report today, The Times tells us that bees have a kind of “insect culture” in which they teach each other how to solve puzzles. The humble bumblebee can learn complex tasks from each other. Professor Lars Chittka, of Queen Mary University of …
A study published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B has come to the conclusion that some bee species thrive in the urban environment and develop bigger brains to adapt to it. The urban environment can offer unique ecological opportunities with, for example, …
Altruism: behaviour of an animal that benefits another at its own expense. OR: selfless concern for the well-being of others. In other words, altruism is helping others without necessarily looking for a reward in return. It is an act of giving. However, an interesting aspect of …
My God, these humans are slow. The orangutan who is trying to direct them to hand over some sweets is smarter than the humans or at least in this episode he acts as if he is. The ape has it all worked out. He has …
Giraffes can think rationally according to this study published in the journal Scientific Reports. The scientists are based at the University of Barcelona. Alvaro Caicoya (PhD student) and colleagues discovered that in the tests described below giraffes chose the boxes containing their favorite food. Test …
A lot of people, perhaps most people, treat pigeons as pest and vermin. They don’t like the fact that they defecate. They don’t like the fact that there are lots of them. They don’t like the fact that they are successful. Humans don’t like other …