Pup-pampering South Koreans choose dog companions over human partners. Infographic explains.

South Koreans prefer to live with a dog than a human

The infographic highlights the trend of South Koreans favoring dog companionship over human partners for various reasons, which poses significant challenges for the South Korean government regarding future economic growth due to the country’s lowest birth rate of 0.7 per woman, whereas a rate of …

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Flat-faced brachycephalic Frenchies are popular because they behave like infants

French Bulldog struggles with a test to find food and they look up at their owner for help which endears them to their owner which in turn makes them more attractive than a dog with a standard muzzle.

STUDY REPORT PLUS COMMENT: The infantile, brachycephalic French Bulldog ‘suffers’ from a ‘condition’ called paedomorphism which means to behave like an infant. And these dogs give their owners this impression because they are less good at solving problems. They would rather look up at their …

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5 dog breeds you should know more about before you buy

12-week-old cockapoo is adorable when being professionally groomed

Ben the Vet has made a really nice TikTok video about five dog breeds that people frequently underestimate. What he means is that people who want to buy a dog are sometimes attracted to these five dog breeds mainly because their appearance is so impressive …

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“She’s my heart. She fits right on it” – man talks about his dog

Three great brothers

The words used by this great guy are so intense in describing his relationship with one of his two dogs. He’s talking about his deaf dog who looks after his other dog who is deaf and blind. It’s amazing. He uses sign language to communicate …

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34 percent rise in dog attacks against humans causing injury in the UK (15 percent increase in dog numbers)

Sarah a postal worker lost the end of her little finger in a dog attack

This was on the news on television the other night. The BBC reported that there has been a 34% increase in recorded dog attacks against people causing injury. The figure does not include attacks by dog-on-dog and other animals. It’s a worrying trend because although …

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With the sound of artillery going off in the background this Ukraine soldier thinks of a dog and his daughter

Ukrainian soldier finds a dog and wants to see this dog again while he also thinks of his daughter

This Ukrainian soldier is videoing himself as he walks along. He describes his feelings for his daughter and a stray, gentle dog who wanted to be with him. I really hope that he managed to find this dog again. It seems farfetched to expect the …

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Post Category: Dogs > dog adoption