Intensive farming harms bird life more than climate change and urbanisation

Intensive farming harms birds

A study has concluded that intensive farming harms bird life more than climate change and urbanisation. And intensive farming is becoming increasingly necessary as the human population grows. The UK is particularly vulnerable to this phenomenon as the country’s population is growing rapidly mainly due …

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Wolves have bigger brains than dogs but more recent selective breeding has counteracted this

Brain size of dogs

A recent study has come to the conclusion that the domestication of the wolf reduced the brain size of dogs which is understandable because domestic dogs nearly always have everything done for them. They don’t need to face the challenges that wolves have to face. …

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Putting calves in tiny enclosures after being torn from their mums is cruel and unproductive

Calves separated from their mothers are placed in tiny enclosures

PETA says: Dairy farming is a cruel industry that profits from the exploitation and suffering of animals. Mother cows and their calves are separated, the milk meant for these babies is taken for human consumption (bad idea – see end of page). Go vegan. I …

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AI can identify every tweet – from birds!

AI used to detect bird calls

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a very powerful tool. There will be millions of ways to use it provided it doesn’t develop to the point where it uses us! Conrad Young has created an artificial intelligence service called which can analyse recordings of birdsong and …

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