Russia uses crude circus animal tricks to entertain emotionally bruised kids in occupied Ukraine

Beaver trained to do tricks in a Russian circus in Mariupol, occupied Ukraine

NEWS AND STRONG VIEWS – RUSSIAN INVASION OF UKRAINE: The Russians are at it again; demonstrating their crude and backward attitudes. It is a pretty backward and unsophisticated nation, isn’t it? The Kremlin being unsatisfied in bombing Ukrainian civilians to death in their many thousands, …

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Discussing animal welfare almost pointless when Putin raises spectre of nuclear war

Putin raises the spectre of nuclear war in Europe

NEWS AND VIEWS: The terrorist state called Russia, run by the paranoid dictator Putin and his sidekick Medvedev may lead us to nuclear war and at the least the destruction of vital undersea cables serving the UK, Europe and the US. Putin has been threatening …

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What is ecocide?

The blowing up of part of the Nova Kakhovka dam during the Ukraine war, which formed the Kakhovskyi reservoir – one of the largest in Europe – was an act of ecocide. The Sunday Times reports on it in their article, “The drowned earth strategy …

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Animal charity rushes to save cats and dogs left clinging to trees in flooded Kherson after dam destroyed

Saving animals from the flood

NEWS AND VIEWS – UKRAINE: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s words accompanying the video below: While the Russian evil is terrorizing and destroying all living things, we are doing and will continue to do everything to save every living creature! Thousands and thousands of animals …

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Ukrainian soldier shows compassion in sharing his field ration with a squirrel

Ukrainian soldier shares his rations with a squirrel

On the Ukrainian side of this illegal war instigated by a psychopathic Putin, there is compassion for the animals the soldiers meet on the battlefield and in the trenches. Diametrically opposed to this behaviour is that of the allegedly vodka-soaked Russia soldiers who’ve also allegedly …

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Picture of dog who survived Russia’s genocidal attacks on civilians breaks my heart

A dog that miraculously survived today’s attacks lies in the ruins of the house in which his owners died

The caption to the picture by the Defense of Ukraine is: Left alone. A dog that miraculously survived today’s attacks lies in the ruins of the house in which his owners died. 5 civilians were killed as a result of Russia’s missile strike in Zolochiv …

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Post Category: Dogs > abandoned