A stag that gained fame on social media was euthanized after tourists fed it croissants and sweet treats. Callum, known as a “well-known character” in the North West Highlands, had to be put down due to health complications. The stag was a regular sight at …
The Scottish Gamekeepers Association (SGA) is arguing that humanely culling female dear within season has been identified as a key way to reduce overall populations of the animal. And the SGA wants the burgeoning population of deer in Scotland to be better utilised to provide …
This story appeals to me because almost every day I walk in Richmond Park which as you might know is famous for its deer. I always keep a respectful distance from them. If you approach closer than about 25 feet, they become nervous and walk …
A German dynasty, the Henkels, own an estate in the Kaisertal, a valley a few miles south of the German border. It was voted the most beautiful place in Austria. They’ve owned this estate since the 1930s. The Henkels are collectively worth about €15 billion …
The Times reports that Tops Day Nurseries, which has four thousand children in its charge across 32 nurseries in Hampshire and Dorset, has decided to feed its children wild-shot venison, which I understand is a first. They are working in collaboration with Eat Wild, which …
NEWS AND COMMENT: I am very critical of these police officers’ behavior and police behavior generally in this post. This is sheer horror and the horror was committed by a police officer of the Ontario Provincial Police. A resident, Marcey Danae, saw the brutal killing …
NEWS AND VIEWS – BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA: There are a few interesting aspects to this story. Firstly, it’s rather strange because Mark Skage is a hunter based on what I see on his Facebook page. He likes to shoot animals for fun but showed real …
A fawn snuggles up to a sport hunter’s target practice deer thinking that it is her mother as her real mother has been shot by the same deer hunters!! A picture which tells a story of human misbehavior on a gargantuan scale. Nothing makes me …
The Ukrainian armed forces public relations department – Defense of Ukraine on Twitter – should be using this. Maybe they are. This sort of video is normally published on the Defense of Ukraine Twitter feed but not this time as far as I can tell. …