Canadian police officer kills a deer with an axe in suburbia on video in plain sight

Canadian police officer kills an injured deer with an axe in suburbia on video

NEWS AND COMMENT: I am very critical of these police officers’ behavior and police behavior generally in this post. This is sheer horror and the horror was committed by a police officer of the Ontario Provincial Police. A resident, Marcey Danae, saw the brutal killing …

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Petroleum lorry driver sacked for giving a moose calf a lift in his cab

Mark Skage rescued a moose calf and it cost him his job

NEWS AND VIEWS – BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA: There are a few interesting aspects to this story. Firstly, it’s rather strange because Mark Skage is a hunter based on what I see on his Facebook page. He likes to shoot animals for fun but showed real …

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Fawn cuddles up to a shooter’s smashed deer target model thinking it’s her mother

Fawn snuggles up to a deer shooters practice model

A fawn snuggles up to a sport hunter’s target practice deer thinking that it is her mother as her real mother has been shot by the same deer hunters!! A picture which tells a story of human misbehavior on a gargantuan scale. Nothing makes me …

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At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.