Springer Spaniel guided owner to her lost cat who had fallen down a mine shaft six days earlier

Daisy and Mowgli

Daisy, a springer spaniel, as being called a ‘hero hound’ mimicking Lassie. It is indeed a storyline worthy of the well-known animal film star Lassie. Michele Rose, 59, lives with Daisy, the springer spaniel and Mowgli, a black-and-white cat and Baloo another cat. Mowgli went …

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Retired man burned to death protecting his friend’s dog in the back of his car in the Hawaii wildfires

Trejos and Sam

You might have heard of the Hawaii wildfires. Specifically, they were on the island of Maui. They’ve claimed 96 lives so far. Jeff Bogar lived on the island. He is a retired Maui fire captain. His close friend was Franklin Trejos. All the accounts say …

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Petroleum lorry driver sacked for giving a moose calf a lift in his cab

Mark Skage rescued a moose calf and it cost him his job

NEWS AND VIEWS – BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA: There are a few interesting aspects to this story. Firstly, it’s rather strange because Mark Skage is a hunter based on what I see on his Facebook page. He likes to shoot animals for fun but showed real …

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Watch the epic saga of a mother elephant and her calf being released from mud

Elephants stuck in waterhole mud and released after an epic struggle

KENYA: The video is an inspiration for conservationists. It does seem ironic, however, that on the other side of the coin elephants are being slaughtered in Africa’s reserves for their ivory. Two competing interests. Which one trumps the other? You know the answer as well …

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