NEWS AND VIEWS – Przemyśl, Poland: We don’t have the name of the man who decided, in tears, to hand over his beloved dog to a Polish animal rescue charity just over the Ukraine-Polish border, so that he could return and fight the Russians. Perhaps …
NEWS AND COMMENT-KYIV, UKRAINE: Andrea Cisternino, a former photographer from Italy, is being described as a hero for remaining at his animal shelter of 400 rescue animals in Kyiv (Kiev), the capital of Ukraine, while the Russians invade the country. For me, the only animal …
Watching BBC reporters in Ukraine reporting on the just-commenced war felt as if I was watching a reality television show. The presenters were on a roof and the sirens were blaring. There was the sound of explosions in the background. They put their flak jackets …
Russia commenced its invasion of Ukraine last night about five hours ago. It was on the radio. The West is fairly powerless. Not one country in the West is going to help protect Ukraine in terms of troops on the ground. It just won’t happen. …
To the question of how many horses died in World War I, you will see a plethora of answers most of which are on the internet. The numbers are inconsistent. The top pick by the search engines states that a total 8 million horses died …