Risk of diabetes rises when eating red meat twice weekly

Two portions per day of red meat including processed meats such as burgers and sausages increases the risk of developing type II diabetes by 62% according to an American study from Harvard University.

The Times reports today on a study which found that eating red meat twice a week significantly increases the risk of developing type II diabetes. It’s the most recent study to identify a link between red meat and diabetes. The scientists work out of Harvard …

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The most famous picture of Nessie the Loch Ness monster is ridiculous and the recent ‘exciting photos’ are equally ridiculous!

Personally, I despair at the Loch Ness monster stories. They are clearly fictional and exaggerated. The Loch Ness Monster does not exist. It is just that people like to think that it might exist because it brightens up their lives. And I want to refer …

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Oceans are turning green due to global warming

Climate change is blamed as the oceans become greener and it is frightening

My title is slightly exaggerated because when you look at the oceans today, they still look blue and the change to a greener hue cannot be detected by the human eye because it is too subtle but the change has taken place over the past …

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Animal self-consciousness a.k.a. self-awareness should not be assessed by comparison to humans

Cat seeing themselves in a mirror and is unsure what is going on

Animal consciousness or animal self-consciousness (the same thing using a different description) is very complicated and it is an area of research in which science and philosophy intersect. They both play a role in assessing animal consciousness. Some websites like to list animals that have …

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British kids are 7 centimetres shorter than Dutch kids – lazy feeding of kids and cats

Societal problems in the UK leading to kids being 7 cms shorter than Dutch kids

There is a shocking news story in The Times of June 21, 2023 which reports that five-year-olds in Britain are on average up to 7 cm shorter than their peers in other wealthy nations. Yes, young British kids are up to 7 cm shorter than …

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Cuckoos are out of sync with their victims’ nesting clocks due to global warming

The cuckoo

Cuckoos travelling to the UK are out of sync with their victims’ nesting clocks due to global warming which is bringing spring earlier. Scientific American reported last year that spring in the UK arrived a month earlier than in the 1980s and that the trend …

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What is ecocide?

The blowing up of part of the Nova Kakhovka dam during the Ukraine war, which formed the Kakhovskyi reservoir – one of the largest in Europe – was an act of ecocide. The Sunday Times reports on it in their article, “The drowned earth strategy …

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This is what happens when hunting dogs catch up with a wild pig

Judging by the language spoken by the sport hunter which you can hear in the video, I would assess this to be an Eastern European country. They do have backward views about hunting in that area of the European continent. It’s all part of their …

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How the f**k can we feed 60 billion farm animals but not 7.9 billion humans?

Good point.

Here is the tweet which asks the above question in an image: The answer apparently, according to Mike Gordon, who commented on the picture is: Because most farm animals can eat the 80% of inedible by-products from crop waste, food wate, and grazing. Farm animals, …

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At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.

Post Category: Humans > behaviour