Obese riders are hurting horses!

Obese riders are hurting horses

It seems that the human obesity epidemic is hurting horses as well as the obese people themselves. Yes, obesity causes a lot of problems including burdening the NHS in the UK with a ton of associated health issues costing billions in pounds. The Times reports …

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British kids are 7 centimetres shorter than Dutch kids – lazy feeding of kids and cats

Societal problems in the UK leading to kids being 7 cms shorter than Dutch kids

There is a shocking news story in The Times of June 21, 2023 which reports that five-year-olds in Britain are on average up to 7 cm shorter than their peers in other wealthy nations. Yes, young British kids are up to 7 cm shorter than …

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Pugs have the most insatiable appetite of all dog breeds

Pugs are the worst over-eaters

According to a study by the Royal Veterinary College, pugs are 3.1 times more likely than crossbred dogs to be overweight due to overeating. And The Times reports that they have the most insatiable appetite relative to their ability to burn off energy. In short, …

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Post Category: Dogs