The most famous picture of Nessie the Loch Ness monster is ridiculous and the recent ‘exciting photos’ are equally ridiculous!

Personally, I despair at the Loch Ness monster stories. They are clearly fictional and exaggerated. The Loch Ness Monster does not exist. It is just that people like to think that it might exist because it brightens up their lives.

And I want to refer to the famous photograph initially taken by Col Robert Kenneth Wilson on April 19, 1934. It is of, ostensibly, the Loch Ness Monster called Nessie. When you analyse that photograph it is completely wrong in terms of scaling.

©Getty Images - Arguably the most famous snap of 'Nessie' - taken on April 19, 1934 by Colonel Robert Kenneth Wilson
©Getty Images. Arguably the most famous snap of ‘Nessie’ – taken on April 19, 1934 by Colonel Robert Kenneth Wilson

You look at the waves which are gentle and you compare the size of those waves with the size of Nessie’s neck and head and the two are simply out of proportion with each other.

Either Nessie is tiny which does not fit in with the general thought about Nessie being an enormous monster or the waves are enormous. But these rippling waves are not enormous. These sort of waves that we see in the photograph are normally small and gentle.

On the basis that these waves are small at about 12 inches tall at a rough guess, then Nessie in this photograph is a tiny monster!

On my calculation, based on this photograph, the long neck of Nessie is about 5 feet long. That is far too small for what is meant to be a monster. But I don’t need to really talk about this picture in an analytical way because just looking at it and using one’s gut feeling, it doesn’t look right, does it?

This looks as if somebody has simply fabricated the photograph by using a model of a Loch Ness Monster perhaps bought from the local tourist shop on the shores of Loch Ness, gone down to the loch and placed it near the shoreline so that it protrudes above the water and then photographed it. That’s what I expect happened in the creation of this photograph.

It does not, in my opinion, provide any evidence at all that the Loch Ness Monster exists. And it is the best evidence that we have!

And the Daily Mirror has a headline which goes: “Most exciting” photos ever taken of Loch Ness monster emerged after shy owner hid them”.

And below is that photograph which basically shows nothing at all but a bit of a ripple on the water. That could be anything. Clearly, people are desperate to believe that the monster exists but it doesn’t.

©Chie Kelly/Peter Jolly North - Chie plucked up the courage to show her photographs after last weekend’s massive search for the creature
©Chie Kelly/Peter Jolly North Chie plucked up the courage to show her photographs after last weekend’s massive search for the creature.
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