Greta Thunberg pulls out of Edinburgh book festival over greenwashing sponsor

Global warming illustration

NEWS AND VIEWS – EDINBURGH, UK: If, like me, you believe in climate change (as we all should because the science unambiguously supports it), you will love Greta Thunberg because she walks the walk and doesn’t just talk about global warming and how to stop …

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Leopard-print $26m home of Ivana Trump won’t sell. Thoughts on why.

The sitting room showing leopard-print furnishings

The Times reports on the struggle to sell the house where Ivana Trump lived in New York city. It has been on sale for five months and it has failed to find a buyer. A visitor said that walking into the house is like stepping …

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‘Run to the rescue with love and peace will follow.’ – River Phoenix (1970-1993)

Joaquin Phoenix at the 2020 Oscars

I believe it means that when people eagerly (with speed i.e. ‘run’) rescue and help others less fortunate which includes animals – other sentient beings – and vulnerable people, they will find peace and be loved (and love themselves). It is about giving and helping …

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Brad Pitt has prosopagnosia a neurological disorder causing face blindness and, by the way, he loves dogs and is vegan

Brad Pitt

NEWS AND OPONION: Brad Pitt has prosopagnosia, a neurological disorder. It’s not been officially diagnosed but he says that he has the condition. He also says that nobody believes him. So, what is prosopagnosia? I should say by the way that he loves dogs and …

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Ricky Gervais thinks we live far too long and he can’t wait for humanity to be wiped out

Gervais and his cat

Watching Ricky Gervais talk on this chat show is quite uncomfortable. His comedy is uncomfortable. It is a mixture of seriousness and comedy. I find it hard to watch sometimes. I don’t find it particularly funny either. I think a lot of people would agree …

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Tom Cruise denied access to Svalbard for filming with helicopters because of the polar bears

Svalbard polar bear capital of the world which Tome Cruise wants to exploit

Svalbard, Norway, is an Arctic Archipelago. It is said to be the polar bear capital of the world with a polar bear population of 3000 and the human population of 2700. Tom Cruise is filming the eighth instalment of Mission Impossible. It is called Mission: …

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At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.

Post Category: Humans > celebrities