‘Run to the rescue with love and peace will follow.’ – River Phoenix (1970-1993)

Joaquin Phoenix at the 2020 Oscars
Joaquin Phoenix at the 2020 Oscars.

I believe it means that when people eagerly (with speed i.e. ‘run’) rescue and help others less fortunate which includes animals – other sentient beings – and vulnerable people, they will find peace and be loved (and love themselves). It is about giving and helping the less fortunate as an ethos which leads to a better life for the person giving.

River Phoenix was Joaquin Pheonix’s brother. Joaquin is an animal advocate with a powerful voice. His speech in the video says all you need to know. Compassion for animals flows out of him like a bitter liquid.

River Phoenix was the older brother of Rain Phoenix, Joaquin Phoenix, Liberty Phoenix, and Summer Phoenix. He had no formal schooling, but showed an instinctive talent for the guitar. He died at the Viper Room on Sunset Strip in Los Angeles of a drug overdose while playing guitar (believed) with friends.

He had been on a drug binge consuming cocaine and heroin and had not slept for several days with John Frusciante from the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Joaquin quoted the line in the title at the end of his speech when collecting his best actor Oscar for The Joker (92nd Oscars (2020). He was almost in tears. He was present when his brother had convulsions from the overdose outside The Viper Room on the sidewalk.

Clearly, he deeply loved his older brother and has painful memories of his death.

Joaquin is a superb actor. A cut above almost all others.

He supports PETA and does work for them such as joining PETA to narrate a video about PETA Asia’s investigation revealing the unspeakable cruelty routinely carried out against ducks at ‘Responsible Down’ – certified farms and slaughterhouses. He is a long-term supporter of PETA and was named their Man of the Year in 2019.

He is a vegan and a very talented, courageous and impressive person.

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Moronic celebrities with primates as pets encourage animal abuse and hurt conservation

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Post Category: Animal Advocates