Brad Pitt has prosopagnosia a neurological disorder causing face blindness and, by the way, he loves dogs and is vegan

Brad Pitt

NEWS AND OPONION: Brad Pitt has prosopagnosia, a neurological disorder. It’s not been officially diagnosed but he says that he has the condition. He also says that nobody believes him. So, what is prosopagnosia? I should say by the way that he loves dogs and …

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Queen Elizabeth II’s passion for horses started when she touched a horse’s neck

Queen's passion for horses started when she touched a horse's neck

In a new book which marks Queen Elizabeth II’s 70 years on the throne, Sir Michael Morpurgo explains the origin of her lifelong love for horses. Sir Michael Morpurgo is a children’s author and he was having lunch at Buckingham Palace. He sat next to …

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Post Category: Compassion