NEWS AND OPONION: Brad Pitt has prosopagnosia, a neurological disorder. It’s not been officially diagnosed but he says that he has the condition. He also says that nobody believes him. So, what is prosopagnosia? I should say by the way that he loves dogs and …
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It is hard to know why this video was made. Somebody is behind the camera. Who is that person? I always feel inclined to ask these questions because we sometimes forget the motivation behind making these sorts of videos. But all we know is that …
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In a new book which marks Queen Elizabeth II’s 70 years on the throne, Sir Michael Morpurgo explains the origin of her lifelong love for horses. Sir Michael Morpurgo is a children’s author and he was having lunch at Buckingham Palace. He sat next to …
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Yes, I love animals very much ❤️🐕🐈 That’s why I built a world for them. In the world I built, they are happy and I am peaceful. 😇 we are not harming anyone.! If you love, you will give your effort.❤️🐕 We live in our …
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There are some really charming photographs of Roger Federer taking a selfie with a tame quokka on Rottnest Island of Perth, Australia. It was published in The Daily Telegraph on Friday, 29 December 2017. At the time the Swiss player was taking part in the …
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I have become an instant fan of Shraddha Kapoor. She is a wealthy, beautiful and educated Indian actress living in Mumbai probably in a big house but not too far from her home is a rubbish dump and in that dump there was a feral …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.