Stop using phrases and words which perpetuate violence against animals say PETA

More than one way to skin a cat

The establishment, the mainstream news media and the unenlightened are taking the mickey out of PETA for trying to change the deeply ingrained human habit of using animals in sayings, phrases and words within a sporting context (and generally) which indirectly devalues animals and thereby …

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Ukraine war: early stages show people walking dogs watching exploding missiles like firework displays

Mig 29 over Ukraine in early stages of the war

Watching BBC reporters in Ukraine reporting on the just-commenced war felt as if I was watching a reality television show. The presenters were on a roof and the sirens were blaring. There was the sound of explosions in the background. They put their flak jackets …

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Record number of people are ditching cigarettes improving the air that their pets breathe

Cat smoking a cigarette

Thousands of cats and dogs will be breathing cleaner air thanks to coronavirus. Covid-19 has scared a lot of smokers into stopping. It’s reported that more than 643,000 smokers in England quit in the 12 months to August which compares very favourably with 307,000 in …

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Post Category: Dogs > Canine Health