Orcas make coordinated attack on boat off Gibraltar and sink it. Ongoing killer whale behaviour.

Orcas coordinate attack on boat in Med

This is a disturbing development in what is now quite a long-running story of orcas (killer whales) attacking small boats in the Mediterranean Sea. To an outsider like me it appears very deliberate and it also appears that they are defending their territory. That’s a …

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In Slovakia, there have been two recent bear attacks within a span of three days

Brown bear walks down a street in the Slovakian town of Liptovsky Mikulas where it attacked five people but not very seriously according to reports

In Slovakia, there have been two recent bear attacks within a span of three days: The situation is concerning, and authorities are actively addressing it. Residents are advised to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to avoid further incidents. Sources: 6 internet sources including the BBC and …

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Woman feels glad to be alive after being attacked by a snake AND a hawk simultaneously

Woman attacked by a snake and a hawk in Texas

NEWS AND COMMENT-Texas, USA: Peggy Jones, 64, feels that she is lucky to be alive after – in a very strange and unusual incident – she was attacked by both a snake and a hawk simultaneously. She was mowing her backyard lawn. Something very normal …

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Post Category: Birds