In Slovakia, there have been two recent bear attacks within a span of three days

Brown bear walks down a street in the Slovakian town of Liptovsky Mikulas where it attacked five people but not very seriously according to reports
Brown bear walks down a street in the Slovakian town of Liptovsky Mikulas where it attacked five people but not very seriously according to reports. Image: DALLE-E 3

In Slovakia, there have been two recent bear attacks within a span of three days:

  1. Liptovský Mikuláš Incident (Sunday):
    • 49-year-old woman was treated in the hospital for an injury to her shoulder.
    • 72-year-old man received treatment for a cut on his head.
    • Additionally, a 10-year-old girl and two other adults suffered scratches and bruises.
    • A couple pushing their child in a buggy were fortunate to escape unharmed.
    • The bear is still at large, and six armed patrols are actively searching for it.
    • Authorities have urged residents to exercise maximum caution, especially during early mornings and evenings.
    • The town hall has ordered emergency teams to eliminate the bear, emphasizing that such attacks are unacceptable in a town center during daylight.
    • Mobile phone footage captured the bear charging along roads and zebra crossings, causing panic among pedestrians.
    • The incident occurred a day after a 31-year-old Belarussian woman tragically died while trying to evade a brown bear in the Low Tatra mountain range near the same town.
    • The woman had been walking in a thickly forested area when the bear charged, and she fell to her death.
    • Slovakian authorities clarified that her death resulted from the fall, not from being mauled by the bear.
    • Improved environmental protection in central and eastern Europe has led to bears returning to their natural habitats across the Carpathian mountains.
  2. BBC News Report:
    • A bear attacked two people in the Slovakian town of Liptovský Mikuláš.
    • 49-year-old woman suffered an injury to her shoulder, while a 72-year-old man had a gash on his head.
    • Police drove the bear out of town and into a forest. They plan to shoot it.
  3. Outdoor Life Video:
    • Videos recorded in a village in Slovakia show a brown bear chasing and attacking people in the streets.
    • The bear charged along roads, zebra crossings, and green spaces, causing panic among pedestrians.
    • One video captures the bear lunging at a man who hurriedly climbed a fence to escape it

The situation is concerning, and authorities are actively addressing it. Residents are advised to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to avoid further incidents.

Sources: 6 internet sources including the BBC and the Guardian newspaper.

RELATED: Japan’s depopulation and lack of food is causing Asian black bears to attack people

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