GUINEA, NEWS AND OPINION: my thanks to The Times newspaper for this story which, for me, highlights many problems with respect to wildlife conservation on this planet. This story is an example of a dysfunctionality between humankind and nature which we all know about now …
My God, these humans are slow. The orangutan who is trying to direct them to hand over some sweets is smarter than the humans or at least in this episode he acts as if he is. The ape has it all worked out. He has …
Don’t think of ‘us and them’. Don’t be so arrogant as humans often are and think that we are superior to animals. This leads to abuse and exploitation. This is a beauty of a little video. So touching. So meaningful. Although they must have been …
An interesting scientific study has come to the conclusion that after a hard day’s work, apes like to hang onto a vine and twizzle around i.e. spin around so that they become dizzy because it alters their consciousness in the same way that alcohol alters …
The latest observation of chimpanzee behaviour in the Kibale National Park, western Uganda, under a long-running study, revealed a form of behaviour that was formerly considered to be a uniquely human attribute. It is this: showing something interesting to another so that they can share …
The video is cute. They look like mini humans hugging and on one occasion passionately kissing each other. It is hard to ignore the conclusion that the origins of the human hug and kiss as a greeting behaviour is here in our ancestral cousins, the …
Chimpanzees have their own drumming style. Some are much wilder than others, scientists have discovered when observing chimpanzees in a Ugandan rainforest where the males have developed their own signature drumbeat. They always use the same sort of tree species it seems with wide, flat, …
NEWS AND COMMENT-INDONESIA: The video has gone viral as you might expect. In an attempt to make an interesting video for his social media account, Hasanal Arifin, decided to jump over the outer barrier around a cage containing an orangutan. He wanted to get close …
NEWS AND COMMENT: Researchers have discovered that chimpanzees in Gabon, Africa, treat each other with the fluid inside an unknown insect (haemolymph) when they have suffered a wound which causes a cut. It is believed that this fluid contains something which helps to alleviate discomfort …