In a novel method to prevent elephant incursions onto farmland in Kenya, they have tapped into the elephant’s dislike of bees by lining fences with beehives which have proved to be an effective deterrent to the animals. The idea for elephant-proof fences guarded by bees …
KENYA: The video is an inspiration for conservationists. It does seem ironic, however, that on the other side of the coin elephants are being slaughtered in Africa’s reserves for their ivory. Two competing interests. Which one trumps the other? You know the answer as well …
Real-time AI threat detection cameras will help to combat the threat of wildlife poaching on the African continent, it is believed. They are a significant improvement on traditional camera traps because images from the AI cameras are transmitted directly to satellites from where they are …
Two wildlife conservation stories are circulating the news media at present which I’ve picked up and they appear to be linked. They concern two lakes. One is in China (Poyang Lake) and the other in Kenya (Lake Bogoria). Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater lake in …
GORONGOSA NATIONAL PARK, MOZAMBIQUE-NEWS AND COMMENT: This is an interesting example of how the intervention of humans can inadvertently alter the course of evolution. The story is also interesting for the fact that, looking at the story from a different angle, it is as if …
Carrie Johnson is both the wife of the Prime Minister of the UK and the head of public relations for the Aspinall Foundation. She issued a press release recently stating that the foundation will be working with the Kenya Wildlife Service on a “world first …
RIFT VALLEY, KENYA: This is a wonderful photograph by Ami Vitale working for Save Giraffes Now. It shows a giraffe from the critically endangered Rothschild’s subspecies on a raft with rangers and conservationists on Lake Baringo, western Kenya, as it is being transported from the …