The posties – postmen and women – of the UK Cornish town, Liskeard, are so frightened of the seagulls dive bombing them to protect their offspring that they have stopped delivering mail to the residents. They’ll will try again the next day if an attack …
We know that the robin is quite bold around people. They are habituated to be around people. They like to ask people for food and they often achieve their goal. They are a well loved bird in the UK and it was voted Britain’s unofficial …
NEWS AND COMMENT-Texas, USA: Peggy Jones, 64, feels that she is lucky to be alive after – in a very strange and unusual incident – she was attacked by both a snake and a hawk simultaneously. She was mowing her backyard lawn. Something very normal …
A swift picked up so many insects on the wing at Tice’s Meadow Nature Reserve, near Farnham, Surrey, UK that their face swelled up to resemble that of a seal. It is a highly unusual photograph of a bird and it is by Jon Hawkins/Solent …
I think the title sums it up. It’s my interpretation. Clearly the peacock was not perturbed by the fact that he was retaliating against a human. It looks as though the peacock was minding his own business resting but near or on some sort of …
This is a great photograph. We know seagulls are particularly competitive and fearless when they want to grab some human food at the seaside. There are many photographs a bit like this one but this is the best in this genre that I have seen. …