In a sombre world where many things are happening which can make us anxious and despondent such as the pandemic and the Ukraine war, we need this kind of photograph to lift our spirits and remind ourselves that there is a lot of good stuff …
A swift picked up so many insects on the wing at Tice’s Meadow Nature Reserve, near Farnham, Surrey, UK that their face swelled up to resemble that of a seal. It is a highly unusual photograph of a bird and it is by Jon Hawkins/Solent …
I have decided that this image posted on by u/New-Baby5471 is photo-edited. It is plainly Photoshopped for all to see. It would be easy to photo-edit as the background is an even colour. When the sun is eclipsed by the moon you get a …
Helga Stentzel is a very clever woman. She is a London-based Russian-born artist. It took a while for her to develop her Clothing Line Animals, which is a series of fine art photographs. The idea for the series appears to have started when, “I saw …
Here are two wonderful photographs of the gerenuk. As you can guess from the photographs, this interesting species of antelope is also known as the giraffe gazelle. You can see them standing on their hind legs in a perfectly vertical position feeding on high branches …
This is a great photograph. We know seagulls are particularly competitive and fearless when they want to grab some human food at the seaside. There are many photographs a bit like this one but this is the best in this genre that I have seen. …
RIFT VALLEY, KENYA: This is a wonderful photograph by Ami Vitale working for Save Giraffes Now. It shows a giraffe from the critically endangered Rothschild’s subspecies on a raft with rangers and conservationists on Lake Baringo, western Kenya, as it is being transported from the …
Well, I have taken the huge liberty in publishing this superb photograph on this website. I felt I had to because it’s so wonderfully encapsulates what humankind’s relationship with our animal cousins should be. There is a beautiful tenderness in this interspecies relationship. I have …