In a novel method to prevent elephant incursions onto farmland in Kenya, they have tapped into the elephant’s dislike of bees by lining fences with beehives which have proved to be an effective deterrent to the animals. The idea for elephant-proof fences guarded by bees …
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In this video, we see a man in Asia who clearly knows this group of elephants very well and he is calling them at a distance. They come almost immediately. As they approach him, he talks to them in their language. He places his hands …
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This elephant waits by the side of the road where there is a sign saying “CAUTION ELEPHANT CROSSING”. I guess they realise that they have a right of way at this point. He/she is waiting for a truck carrying sugar cane, a favorite food. When …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.