Sexual behaviour with the same-sex in the animal world is about keeping the peace

Gay animals?

There is quite a lot of discussion on the Internet about whether companion animals can be gay and looking wider to all other animals it is an interesting thought as to whether they can be ‘gay’ as is the case in humans. Some recent research …

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Apes copied humans fighting at a Beijing zoo

Apes copy (imitate) human actions

OPINION: The story is that a group of visitors to a zoo in Beijing, China – the Beijing Wildlife Park – started to physically fight, including women as you can see in the infographic below. It was over a triviality but what is not trivial …

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Bullies in animal and human society do better. Discuss.

Bullying chimps do best

You know that the world’s species – animals and humans – have been created on the back of the survival of the fittest as per Charles Darwin (unless you are one of the world’s creationists in which case, I feel sorry for you). Well, in …

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Ape vine twizzling is equivalent to humans getting drunk

Ape vine twizzling

An interesting scientific study has come to the conclusion that after a hard day’s work, apes like to hang onto a vine and twizzle around i.e. spin around so that they become dizzy because it alters their consciousness in the same way that alcohol alters …

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Post Category: Apes > behavior