This picture is, as stated on Reddit, worth a 1000 words and my God it is crushingly sad. Really, I am in despair when I see these sorts of photographs. This primate is politely asking the photographer to unlock the padlock. There is gentleness but …
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My God, these humans are slow. The orangutan who is trying to direct them to hand over some sweets is smarter than the humans or at least in this episode he acts as if he is. The ape has it all worked out. He has …
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NEWS AND COMMENT-INDONESIA: The video has gone viral as you might expect. In an attempt to make an interesting video for his social media account, Hasanal Arifin, decided to jump over the outer barrier around a cage containing an orangutan. He wanted to get close …
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Keeping monkeys as pets causes suffering for the animals and it endangers their survival in the wild. The UK government is preparing to announce that anybody who buys, sells and breeds pet monkeys will face a significant fine. In the UK there are about 5,000 …
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Chinese conservationists and researchers have built an arboreal highway by using a rope to span between two areas of a fragmented habitat lived in by the Hainan gibbon. This is the world’s rarest primate. It is also the most critically endangered primate species. Only 30 …
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Rafiki was a famed silverback gorilla. He was the alpha male who led a group of gorillas known as the Nkurigo group. It was the first group to be habituated to people more than 20 years ago. This was a vitally important aspect of this …
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This is a very well-known video and you can see why. The female chimpanzee is dying of old age (she is 59). She died a week after this video was made. An old friend, Jan van Hooff (Emeritus Professor of Behavioural Biology at Utrecht University …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.