Notice the man below the fallen tree trunk has a blow gun and he wants to dart the orangutan who is a pain in the arse nuisance in the destruction of yet more forest. The world is being denuded and has been for centuries which …
My God, these humans are slow. The orangutan who is trying to direct them to hand over some sweets is smarter than the humans or at least in this episode he acts as if he is. The ape has it all worked out. He has …
An interesting scientific study has come to the conclusion that after a hard day’s work, apes like to hang onto a vine and twizzle around i.e. spin around so that they become dizzy because it alters their consciousness in the same way that alcohol alters …
Palm oil plantations are big business and its growing. To make the space for these plantations, businesses are cutting down rainforests; virgin forests which have been the home of many wild species for thousands of years. The palm oil industry kills wild cat species. Palm …