Dying chimpanzee’s emotional reunion with human friend

Gravely ill female chimpanzee meets old friend and morale improves

This is a very well-known video and you can see why. The female chimpanzee is dying of old age (she is 59). She died a week after this video was made.

An old friend, Jan van Hooff (Emeritus Professor of Behavioural Biology at Utrecht University and co-founder of the Burgers colony), who knew her from 1972, visited. You can see the reaction. Her mood picked up tremendously. There is a huge amount of warmth between the two. A love, if we are honest.

Chimpanzee has emotional reunion with friend
Chimpanzee has emotional reunion with old friend

She still looks fatigued and ill but smiled at him and they touched. They greeted in the chimpanzee way. It is incredibly moving.

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Post Category: Compassion