There is quite a lot of discussion on the Internet about whether companion animals can be gay and looking wider to all other animals it is an interesting thought as to whether they can be ‘gay’ as is the case in humans. Some recent research …
I’m referring to domestic cats of course. But the same actually would apply to wild cats. Domestic cats like to do these two things most (1) procreate i.e. mate with a female and (2) hunt to kill prey to eat and survive. Almost everything they …
In combining two stories about reticulated pythons, I have come to the conclusion that this species of snake can behave and sound like a cat! The Guinness World Record’s longest snake in captivity is Medusa, a reticulated python. They say it purrs like a snake …
Once again, we are told that Australia is changing the face of cat domestication in order to protect their native species, often their small native mammals which are particularly vulnerable to domestic cat predation. This is because historically they never had to deal with cat …
Hey, the title rhymes 😉. It is meant to. It is fun and the video is fun too. It’s from The Thrifty Mama on TikTok. Being a thrifty mom she’s at her local New York City thrift shop looking, I guess, for some bargain clothes. …
This is my opinion, essentially, although I did a bit of reading up on it before putting pen to paper. Cats don’t decide to ‘isolate’ themselves to die. It’s the wrong word. Firstly, in my opinion, domestic cats don’t know that they are dying. They …