Music helps dolphins to live in harmony according to a recent study. Researchers from the University of Padua in northern Italy used underwater speakers to play classical music to 8 bottlenose dolphins housed in a dolphinarium. There were five females and three males aged 5-49 …
It is hard to know why this video was made. Somebody is behind the camera. Who is that person? I always feel inclined to ask these questions because we sometimes forget the motivation behind making these sorts of videos. But all we know is that …
NEWS AND COMMENT-DAYTON, TEXAS: Dayton is a one-hour drive from Houston. Samantha Zimmer is a dog rescuer living in Houston and she was notified via social media of a small dog in the middle of the road with the only signs of civilisation being the …
Can dogs make friends with other dogs? Scientists are naturally sceptical, perhaps because your average dog owner tends to anthropomorphise (humanise) their dog companion. And when you do that, you imbue them with human characteristics. You come to the certain conclusion that dogs can make …
The words accompanying this video are that the goats are licking this woman out of affection. I have no doubt, by the way, that the goats have a lot of affection for this woman. I have a strong sense that she is a good person …
A GERMAN VILLAGE NEAR DETMOLD: Hans Dieter Neuber, 82, is a lucky man. Every day he receives a visit from Sigrid, a beautiful hen in a hi-viz jacket. They have a relationship and an informal agreement. You might call it a contract. She wonders across …
There can be only one reason why these three golden retrievers are snoozing with their noses touching: they like it and find it reassuring as they are connecting with each other through their scent of their breath. We know that dogs ‘see’ the world through …
As is the case for humans, older chimpanzees have more mutual friendships of better quality than when they were younger. When they are young they are more eager to find friendships which can end up being one-sided and of poorer quality. The reason for this …
In respect of social bonding and friendships, a study from the Austral University of Chile found that cows behave like their wild ancestors, aurochs; wild cattle which inhabited Asia, Europe and North Africa. Domestication has not removed from their memory how to instinctively protect the …