In the UK, the great crested newt is protected under European law. The species is quite widespread across the UK. It is illegal to harm them or damage their habitat. This presents a problem to building developers in planning applications. They have to apply for …
This is a good feel story about two women and a Doberman dog. It starts off, for me, with Lucy Humphrey, 44, who was looking for a kidney donor because her kidneys were failing as a result of suffering from lupus, an autoimmune disease. The …
This couple of tips in preventing losing your dog and then, when needs must, finding him or her, come from David Tennant writing in The Sunday Times today. I thought they were interesting tips because I’ve not seen them mentioned before and as you might …
Researchers at Queen’s University Belfast have found that dogs are able to pick up stress in humans through volatile organic compounds in their breath and sweat. They can detect the difference in the breath and sweat of people who are stressed and calm. Clara Wilson, …
I was immediately drawn to his face. This is a dog with the face of a wise human. I see a man in Jack’s face but it doesn’t have to be a man. There’s just wisdom in there, behind the eyes. We don’t know what …
The American Kennel Club agrees that dogs have extraordinary senses and are able to pick up what to us are unknown forms and energies. They admit that this is a mystery to them. Dr. Desmond Morris in his book DOG WATCHING, published in 1996, provides …
Perhaps the $64,000 question is whether the fox is enjoying the music or simply enjoying the company of this man. I suspect that this fox is slightly tame because he has become habituated to being around people and perhaps he has been fed by people …
There can be only one reason why these three golden retrievers are snoozing with their noses touching: they like it and find it reassuring as they are connecting with each other through their scent of their breath. We know that dogs ‘see’ the world through …
Digital device detection dogs have protected people from sexual abuse by a man, Nicky Paul Mitchell, thirty-eight, who was under a sexual harm prevention order. He was obliged, under the order, to declare any Internet-enabled devices in his possession to his offender manager. He was …