Dog goes above and beyond to help injured canine friend

NEWS AND COMMENT-DAYTON, TEXAS: Dayton is a one-hour drive from Houston. Samantha Zimmer is a dog rescuer living in Houston and she was notified via social media of a small dog in the middle of the road with the only signs of civilisation being the odd house or two every 100 acres. There are endless rows of corn fields on that stretch of the highway. And as mentioned there was a small dog in the middle of it. A dangerous situation. Although, no doubt, the road was pretty quiet.

Zimmer found the dog who had been sitting on the road since 11 AM. His canine companion had been hit by a car and was by the side of the road in one of those fields. His little buddy refused to move and it seems that he remained there on the roadway waiting for help. I guess he wanted somebody to stop and help him and they did.

His dog buddy stayed with him to attract human help. It worked and both are now in a foster home ready to be adopted as a couple
His dog buddy stayed with him to attract human help. It worked and both are now in a foster home ready to be adopted as a couple. Screenshot.

Zimmer was accompanied by her fiancé. The little dog came up to them and asked for help. Their injured buddy was much larger and had road rash which I take to mean grazes from being knocked over by a car. He needed immediate medical care and Samantha and her fiancé loaded both dogs into their car and took them to a local veterinarian.

Dog stays with badly injured dog companion to attract help
Dog stays with badly injured dog companion to attract help. Screenshot.

The couple were treated and placed in a foster home. We are told that they will be placed together in a family home in Wisconsin.

The interesting aspect of the story is the way the little dog stayed with his canine buddy until help came along. There is no other logical explanation for his behaviour. And if the little dog deliberately stayed behind to wait for help and to attract the attention of people then it is an example of genuine altruistic friendship between dogs.

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