Globalists are calling for people to have the right to marry animals. True or false?

True or false that globalists are calling for people to have the right to marry animals? It’s on Twitter. A tweet by CBKNEWS121 states that the World Economic Forum (WEF) says that it is time to legalise sex and marriage with animals “to promote inclusiveness”. …

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Puppy yoga can put puppies in danger

Puppy Yoga

Both the RSPCA in the UK and The Kennel Club have raised concerns about a new trend to do yoga with puppies. It’s called “Puppy Yoga” unsurprisingly and it involves puppies as young as 6.5 weeks of age joining the class. I suspect that puppies …

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Is Doberman ear cropping legal and how do they do it?

Is Doberman ear cropping legal?

This is a complicated question because the law varies on a country-by-country basis and there may be variations in the law at a state or perhaps county level in some countries such as the USA. In general terms, in the UK it is illegal for …

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Hachiko – 100th Birthday Celebrations


In November 2023, admirers of the dog ‘Hachiko’ will celebrate the 100th year after his birth. Locals of his birthplace Odate, Akita Prefecture are organising Hachiko Week to mark a century since Hachiko was born in 1923. He died in 1933. He is regarded as …

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Animal Rising plan to disrupt the Greyhound Derby final at Towcester Racecourse on July 1st

Greyhound racing

In a protest against the abuses suffered by racing greyhounds in the UK after they are no longer useful as racers, the animal rights group, Animal Rising, have announced on Twitter their plan to disrupt the Greyhound Derby final at Towcester Racecourse on July 1st, …

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Disposable vapes are a danger to dogs as well as to users and children

Discarded vapes are a hazard to pets mainly dogs.

NEWS AND VIEWS: The UK government is concerned about the environmental impact of disposable vapes. I am concerned about the damaging impact that disposable vapes can have on animals particularly dogs. I am frankly surprised that the UK government has allowed commercial manufacturers to produce …

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Dog bites are more common in the warmer weather

20 per cent increase in dog bites in UK over past 20 years

A study has found that dog bites are more common in warmer weather. This correlates with the fact that humans generally are more aggressive during warmer weather (more boozing?!). It also correlates with revolutions anecdotally appearing to happen more in the summer (good weather makes …

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