One of Australia’s leading greyhound trainers kicks, punches, drags and beats puppies and dogs

Greyhound trainer kicks greyhound

The Animal Save Movement on Twitter says this about the video: This footage was recently filmed over a 2.5-week period at the property of one of Australia’s leading greyhound trainers. It shows dogs and puppies being kicked, punched, dragged and beaten. If this is the …

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Animal Rising plan to disrupt the Greyhound Derby final at Towcester Racecourse on July 1st

Greyhound racing

In a protest against the abuses suffered by racing greyhounds in the UK after they are no longer useful as racers, the animal rights group, Animal Rising, have announced on Twitter their plan to disrupt the Greyhound Derby final at Towcester Racecourse on July 1st, …

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Post Category: Dogs