Animal rescue videos from Serbia are hard to watch. I sense that Serbia has some pretty awful animal abuses. Okay there are animal abuses all over the world. But Serbia, not good. A backward approach to animal welfare in general but there are some great …
On the face of it, this is a good dog rescue for obvious reasons. The video does beg some questions though. The first question that I have is, “why was this dog so near this huge hole?” Why was this dog in the area where …
The reason why I have asked the question in the title is because I see too many dog rescue videos in which the narrative is that the dog has been abused by their previous owner. The dog has been rescued and is going through a …
Lauren Bailey’s genuine character is a powerful advert for the RPCA in their ‘Cancel Out Cruelty 2022’ campaign. What comes across to me and it must be seen by others is the incredibly genuine character of this young woman. Yes, the key is genuineness. I …
This is about the attitude of shelter staff and therefore, going one step back, it is about how shelter managers select and hire shelter staff which in turn depends on the quality of the manager. The “voice of America’s displaced pets and the conscience of …
NEWS AND COMMENT-ESSEX, UK: It looks as though a backyard breeder decided enough was enough because the market had fallen out of selling puppies at inflated prices in the UK after the Covid pandemic and then decided to abandon 20 cockapoos or jackapoos by the …
I have just been listening to the Clive Bull’s radio show on LBC and he was speaking with Stan Rawlinson, one of the UK’s best-known dog behaviourists who painted a black picture of the current situation regarding dog ownership in the UK. He said that …
This is a good POV (point of view) short video on TikTok which shows us what it is like to survive in Kentucky’s floods by climbing onto the pinnacle of your house’s roof with your dog and wait to be rescued. Chloe Adams wisely took …
The guy in the video is Viktor Larkhill. He founded the animal rescue “Let’s Adopt International” and he is “under constant attack by people who do not share the same passion for animals” according to him. He is controversial but even to this day I …