Paul O’Grady has died aged 67. The world has lost a great animal lover and equality rights campaigner

Paul O'Grady

I, like millions of others, are shocked this morning to learn that Paul O’Grady’s partner Andre Portasio has announced to the world that Paul O’Grady has died at the age of 67. He died peacefully at his home. The Mirror newspaper speculates that he died …

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Ricky Gervais thinks we live far too long and he can’t wait for humanity to be wiped out

Gervais and his cat

Watching Ricky Gervais talk on this chat show is quite uncomfortable. His comedy is uncomfortable. It is a mixture of seriousness and comedy. I find it hard to watch sometimes. I don’t find it particularly funny either. I think a lot of people would agree …

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At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.

Post Category: Dogs > benefits to humans