NEWS AND COMMENT-WESTMINSTER MAGISTRATES’ COURT, UK: Kevin Spacey was granted unconditional bail yesterday over sexual assault charges after Westminster magistrates’ court was told by his QC barrister that he needed to be able to return to the United States to look after his dog, Boston, and because his family was based there. I will focus on Boston. The charges date from 2005 to 2013. There are 4 charges, one of causing a person to engage in penetrative sexual activity without consent. At the time he was the artistic director of the old Vic theatre in Waterloo, central London.

The most senior barrister in his team is Patrick Gibbs QC who told the court that he “strenuously denies any and all criminality”. He also stated that: “He lives in the United States. His family live in the United States. His 9-year-old dog is in the United States. He is an American citizen, who requires to be in the United States most of the time. He has chosen to come to this court today. You can have every confidence that he will continue to attend all hearings.”
An arrest warrant was withdrawn that was issued weeks ago. Kevin Spacey has been very cooperative and by his demeanour I would judge that he firmly believes that he is genuinely innocent of these charges.
And now to Boston! Firstly, I like the way that his barrister mentioned that one reason why he had to be given bail and return to the US was because of his dog. That might be one of the first times that a dog has been used to obtain freedom in a British court!

Kevin Spacey named his dog after the marathon bombings in Boston. The video below covers some of the latest developments.
Note: This is an embedded video from another website. Sometimes they are deleted at source or the video is turned into a link which would stop it working here. I have no control over this.
They say that Kevin Spacey is a big softy. He adopted Boston in 2013. He visited Boston to provide support to the victims of the bombings including the doctors, nurses and surgeons who provided care. As she was waiting to enter the emergency room an administrator at the hospital asked him if he would like to meet a truck full of puppies!
He agreed. When the door was opened there was one little dog in the corner. Spacey enquired about the puppy who was named Cuddles. Spacey asked why they had called her Cuddles. He found out when the puppy was handed to him. The dog latched onto him with all her might and started to lick his face “like I had honey on it” for about 15 minutes.
And there, is how he met his beloved dog Boston. His dog found him. His dog demanded in her own way that he adopt her. That is the way it should be and often is.
Below are some more pages on dogs.