Kerala leaders beat street dogs to death in violation of the law and their religious faith

Street dogs killed in Kerala where they are pests. Kerala has thousands of churches and this is against the law

Well, this photograph in its unpixellated form is on Twitter today 27 June 2023 but I have discovered that the image featured in a 2016 report by the News Minute website with the title, “Kerala politicians beat street dogs to death, hang them on a …

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Is animal sacrifice legal in the United States?

Santeria religion

On my understanding of this complicated aspect of American law, animal sacrifice is legal in the United States provided it does not contravene animal welfare laws concerning the humane killing of animals which is an inherently tricky and contentious subject of discussion. It seems that …

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UK: 99 million animals are not stunned unnecessarily before slaughter due to oversupply.

Halal meat

Summary: In the UK, up to 99 million animals are unnecessarily slaughtered without being stunned beforehand because the meat from these animals is not being consumed by Muslims or Jews. There is an oversupply of halal and kosher meat in the UK and the oversupplied …

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Post Category: Religion