The tweet on Twitter states: “Young Islamist in the Netherlands urinates on the pork section of a supermarket while his friend says: We don’t eat pork” FACT CHECK: Having done a fact check a few days later I have found that this is almost certainly …
Ben the TikTok vet, makes it clear, quite rightly, at the outset that he is providing his personal viewpoint on these five dog breeds. He is playing safe which is fair enough. But when a veterinarian spells out the truth about five dog breeds – …
A modern trend which is gathering pace is that caregivers are treating their cat and dog companions as little humans and in doing so are far more inclined to put them through excessive medical treatment when the more humane choice would be to euthanise them. …
Scientist-engineers have created solar-powered cyborg-type cockroaches implanted with electronics which enables people to control their movements. It sounds a bit like Robocop but with cockroaches rather than people. Perhaps people will be next and perhaps Robocop will come true. The cockroach has a 3D printed …
The RSPCA tells us that there has been a 621% increase in the number of reports of dog ear cropping over the last six years to 2020. The Times newspaper also reports that in 2021 the RSPCA had 188 reports of dog ear cropping up …
What is unethical behaviour at animal shelters? It’s probably a philosophical question but I’ll try and stick to real situations. And I’m not sure that there are any absolute wrongs and rights in this discussion. How pragmatic must managers at animal shelters be? We live …