I was notified of this by Twitter. Thanks Twitter; although I’m now bombarded with unsettling and upsetting examples of the poor human-animal relationship. Too much animal abuse in the world I am afraid. This is one example. And unsurprisingly (sorry if that sounds racist or …
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Scientist-engineers have created solar-powered cyborg-type cockroaches implanted with electronics which enables people to control their movements. It sounds a bit like Robocop but with cockroaches rather than people. Perhaps people will be next and perhaps Robocop will come true. The cockroach has a 3D printed …
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Although denied by Neuralink, the company has been accused of cruelty to macaque monkeys in their experiments to develop technology which allows the mind to control computers. Towards this objective, they were testing technology which allowed the monkeys to play video games with their minds. …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.