NEWS AND COMMENT: I am not sure whether it is true that Hamas have intentionally targeted dogs in their raid from Gaza into Israel which has dominated the news media headlines since it started days ago. We do know, however, that Hamas gunmen shot a …
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NEWS and OPINION-STOCKPORT, UK: Police have launched a hate crime investigation after a pig’s head was found on the roof of a mosque in Stockport. On a personal level I would also simply like to mention one thing in addition to what the news media …
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Summary: In the UK, up to 99 million animals are unnecessarily slaughtered without being stunned beforehand because the meat from these animals is not being consumed by Muslims or Jews. There is an oversupply of halal and kosher meat in the UK and the oversupplied …
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NEWS AND COMMENT-AFGHANISTAN: This is another depressing and distressing example of the speciesism (animal racism) of the Islamic faith. In very general terms, Muslims grant dogs very few if any rights. Dogs are considered to be unclean. This leads to abuse and worse. On the …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.