NEWS AND OPINION – PERTH, AUSTRALIA: This is another horror story about how humankind treats animals. Some people don’t care but I, for one, do. Massive livestock transport ships which I believe are owned by two companies: the Kuwaiti-owned Livestock Shipping Services and Rural Export …
Summary: In the UK, up to 99 million animals are unnecessarily slaughtered without being stunned beforehand because the meat from these animals is not being consumed by Muslims or Jews. There is an oversupply of halal and kosher meat in the UK and the oversupplied …
NEWS AND COMMENT-UK: Bravo, again, to Carrie Johnson who is a patron of the Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation (CAWF). She has long campaigned for labelling requirements on meat products making it obligatory to provide information as to how the animal was reared and slaughtered. There …