Spain allows people to have sex with animals provided it doesn’t cause injury

Spain has decriminalised bestiality. Yes or No? Yes!

I’ve not quite got to the bottom of the reasons behind this but the Spanish government has, it seems, quite recently decriminalised bestiality (sex with animals). You might say that they partially decriminalised it but I really think that you either allow it or you …

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Enterprising woman carries her 52-pound Samoyed dog in a backpack on NYC subway

52-pound dog carried in backpack on NYC subway

This enterprising woman, Jackie Hornung, carries her 52-pound white Samoyed dog in a backpack to beat the NYC subway rules which state: “No person may bring any animal on our into any conveyance or facility unless enclosed in a container.” – MTA. A lot of …

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African nations complaining about a lack of consultation on UK’s trophy hunting ban

A wildlife trophy hunter in Africa and Sir Bill Wiggin MP

NEWS AND OPINION: Representatives from South Africa, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Namibia, countries where most of the trophy hunting takes place, are complaining to the British government that they weren’t consulted on the UK’s law which is currently being debated in Parliament to ban the …

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Strong trend in Australia to keep domestic cats inside full-time has a big DEFECT

The kind of enriched environment I envisage for domestic cats confined to the home

Once again, we are told that Australia is changing the face of cat domestication in order to protect their native species, often their small native mammals which are particularly vulnerable to domestic cat predation. This is because historically they never had to deal with cat …

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Guide dog owners experience many demoralising access refusals

Trainee guide dogs Ron, Eve, Atlas and Fordi from the London office are super prepared!

Today, The Times newspaper reports on a facet of UK society which is shameful, and which demonstrates a degree of ignorance and lack of respect among service providers which urgently needs to be rectified. Shops and taxis are refusing to let guide dogs in. The …

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Post Category: Animal cruelty