Today, The Times newspaper reports on a facet of UK society which is shameful, and which demonstrates a degree of ignorance and lack of respect among service providers which urgently needs to be rectified. Shops and taxis are refusing to let guide dogs in. The …
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NEWS AND COMMENT-MORTLAKE, SOUTHWEST LONDON: Dave Kent, 62, is blind and he has a golden retriever blind dog, Faldo. He was in the Marks & Spencer Mortlake branch going about his business as any other customer would when he was told by a security guard …
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Time is running out for the UK government to reach an agreement over pet passports which on 1st January will become a major issue for blind people travelling with their guide dogs. Currently they can jump on a plane and travel to the continent but …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.