Game meat contains illegal levels of lead and is toxic

Pheasant is toxic because of lead shot pollution

Game meat sold by Sainsbury’s and Waitrose contains high levels of lead which would be illegal in chicken, pork and beef. However, there is no legal limit for lead in wild animals which have been shot. Despite this anomaly, the UK Food Standards Agency warns …

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Tire preservative chemical responsible for killing returning salmon

Tire chemical washed into streams

Puget Sound, Seattle, Washington, USA: Researchers have discovered that a formerly unknown chemical, 6PPD, in vehicle tires (tyres) which preserves them from ground level ozone, ends up killing salmon in streams. Bits if tire are thrown off tires due to wear and tear. Rain water …

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Fipronil and imidacloprid pet flea treatments poisoning river wildlife

Fronline fipronil

NEWS AND VIEWS: This is a cross post because I think the issue needs to be flagged up as strongly as possible. Some very high-profile and well-known cat and dog skin parasite treatments such as Frontline and Advantage contain strong pesticide chemicals such as fipronil …

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Post Category: Environment