Flat-faced brachycephalic Frenchies are popular because they behave like infants

French Bulldog struggles with a test to find food and they look up at their owner for help which endears them to their owner which in turn makes them more attractive than a dog with a standard muzzle.

STUDY REPORT PLUS COMMENT: The infantile, brachycephalic French Bulldog ‘suffers’ from a ‘condition’ called paedomorphism which means to behave like an infant. And these dogs give their owners this impression because they are less good at solving problems. They would rather look up at their …

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Owners of American XL bully dogs feed them steroids to make them aggressive

Killer Kimbo

This is the latest disturbing update in the American XL bully story which as you might know are going to be banned in the UK soon as they can according to the country’s Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak. He doesn’t think that families should be in …

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French Bulldog breed standard in America and the UK is a mess and abused by breeders

French bulldog

I’ve been digging around looking at the breed standards for the French Bulldog both in the UK and the USA. In the UK it is The Kennel Club which sets the breed standard and, in the USA, the American Kennel Club also sets a breed …

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Americans are bewitched by French bulldog’s appearance knocking the labrador off top spot

NEWS AND COMMENT: The labrador retriever is no longer America’s best friend because the French bulldog is now the most popular dog breed surpassing the labrador retriever which held the record for 31 years. And it seems to me that Americans and the Brits in …

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British veterinarian tells the truth about 5 popular dog breeds

Ben the vet criticises 5 dog breeds

Ben the TikTok vet, makes it clear, quite rightly, at the outset that he is providing his personal viewpoint on these five dog breeds. He is playing safe which is fair enough. But when a veterinarian spells out the truth about five dog breeds – …

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Pugs have the most insatiable appetite of all dog breeds

Pugs are the worst over-eaters

According to a study by the Royal Veterinary College, pugs are 3.1 times more likely than crossbred dogs to be overweight due to overeating. And The Times reports that they have the most insatiable appetite relative to their ability to burn off energy. In short, …

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Post Category: Dogs > dog adoption