Flat-faced brachycephalic Frenchies are popular because they behave like infants

French Bulldog struggles with a test to find food and they look up at their owner for help which endears them to their owner which in turn makes them more attractive than a dog with a standard muzzle.

STUDY REPORT PLUS COMMENT: The infantile, brachycephalic French Bulldog ‘suffers’ from a ‘condition’ called paedomorphism which means to behave like an infant. And these dogs give their owners this impression because they are less good at solving problems. They would rather look up at their …

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The French bulldog money pit and dogflation

French bulldog is expensive to care for

French bulldog is a shocker The French bulldog can cost around £1,740 to insure in the UK because they are probably the unhealthiest dog breed. They suffer from 21 inherited diseases. Or perhaps it’s more than that but let’s just say that it is an …

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Post Category: Dogs > Canine Health